Friday, June 11, 2010

My Bed

While I was making my bed this morning, I got to thinking about how this one piece of furniture has played such an important part in my life. I bought the bed when I first moved to Oregon, the first day I had it I was taking a nap and woke up to Cally proposing to me. I think about all the wonderful moments in that bed. Obvious ones like wonderful intimate moments with the man I adore, to late night talks, crying in his arms when life has been hard, tickle fights and real fights that end with making up. Creating a family and cuddling with those beautiful children when they are sick, or had a bad dream, or just really want to be with mommy and daddy. Nursing and getting up in the middle of the night while my sweet man slept through the screaming and I wanted to hit him with a pillow. This bed has been such a beautiful part of our lives and for whatever reason ( I will blame it on pregnancy hormones) but it made me really emotional thinking about it all today.


Tracy said...

I love those "ahhh" moments. It really makes you appreciate life huh?

clairesmom05 said...

I totally forgot that Mandi's Grandma did that! Would you mind asking if she knows someone to talk to? Thanks! BTW, I think I forgot to tell you congratulations for the baby so...CONGRATULATIONS!! That is really exciting for you guys!

Chelsey Hansen said...

Congratulations on being prego! I'm excited for you to have baby #3. It's been way too long since we've been in touch! We're heading your way though, this week actually and will probably be visiting the old liberty park ward sometime in July so we'll see you soon!