Uh that last post was DEPRESSING... lets move on. While spending time with my family yesterday I was thinking about how truly blessed I am. Cheesy cheesy blah blah blah. But really I am. I am horrible about keeping track of things (obviously) so I try to jot down funny things my children say or do here and there, don't worry I have some on my ipod, some in books, some on scraps of paper and I know I really need to put them all in one place and MAYBE someday I will... Today I am just happy to have them and glad that they give me something to love.
Reasons I love Aubrey... Her smile; from the moment I peek into her crib to she her smiling and waiting for me, to all of the moments through out the day that she smiles at me and reminds me that for this moment I am her whole world. Seriously the best feeling EVER. Her laugh; she snorts, it is the best. Her current attempts at crawling; only backwards for now and getting stuck in corners, up against walls and under tables, so funny. She gets up on all fours and rocks and then face plants, she is a comic genius and doesn't even know it. Her hugs; did you know little babies hug? Mine does and I love it. The way she has weaseled herself into every moment of my life and doesn't plan on stopping. ( I promise she loves me she is not going anywhere). Her big GORGEOUS blue eyes. They stare at me the same way that Cally's do. Big blue and heart melting. Ah, she is the best.
Reason I love Lauren... she is adventurous; it drives me up the wall when I find her climbing the swingset or the polls of the trampoline, running around with the neighbor boys, hanging upside down from anything she can, but secretly ( the non worrisome mom side of me LOVES that she tries everything and is not afraid.) She loves a thrill, roller coasters, and doing back flips out of the swing she is just all smiles. Her smile; she seriously has perfect teeth. Her mouth curls up in the best smile I have ever seen on a child. She makes the funniest faces all trying to make me laugh. Her fake Spanish/ Chinese/ French... oh she is funny. You seriously have no idea the funnies inside this girl. Her loving nature. She loves everyone and wants to be loved back. She always wants to be hugged, held and cuddled. She has the most perfect curls. She is a mini Cally. She pushes to the VERY edge, I hate it sometimes, but know that someday it will be beneficial if I can just harness all that crazy energy.
Reasons I love Regan... she is the smartest little girl I know. Her brain works about a mile a minute and she absorbs EVERYTHING she hears. She can remember things like no one I have ever met and has confidence in her knowledge about the world around her. She is spunky and funny, always acting silly and dancing around. So carefree and full of life. She is a leader and always makes plans. She gets others to do what she planned ( thank goodness its all good stuff for now). Those blue eyes, oh I am a sucker. I love them I love them I love them. She is girly and silly and wants to dress up and be beautiful. ( how did this child come from me?)She is caring and compassionate and friends with everyone she meets. She is confident and fantastic. She has always been so mature for her age, sometimes she shows me that she is a little girl, but mostly she is just an old soul. She has a great imagination and loves to play. She is flirty and funny and seriously full of life.
Reasons I love Cally... he was meant for me. He knows how to deal with everything I throw at him. People ask me all the time how I have patience for his craziness, but honestly they don't know that he is the one putting up with the craziness. He is caring and kind. He would do anything for his family. He has a horrible sense of humor that honestly I think I am the only one who really gets it. He would do anything to make me smile. He pushes everything to the edge just to get a reaction from someone. He is the most loyal person you will ever meet. You want a good friend? Cally is a good friend. He has never made me feel bad about myself and is constantly lifting me up. He tries so hard just to impress me. He is hardworking and would do anything it took to take care of his girls. He is physically perfect, he can do nothing and still have an amazing body, not train for a year and run ten miles. He cannot play a sport that involves a ball and all of my years of trying he has still failed to improve. I secretly ( ok no so secretly, love that I can beat him at SOMETHING) He is passionate and crazy. He loves me more than I could every hope for and lets me love him. And how could I forget that smile. I fell in love with that smile and cannot live a day without it...
These are the reasons I love.
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